Scientific publications
PhD thesis
Manufacturing constraints and multi-phase shape and topology optimization via a level-set method
Ecole Polytechnique, CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques APpliquées)
RODIN project (Robust structural Optimization for Design in INdustry)
Supervisor: Prof. ALLAIRE Grégoire
journal papers
P. Geoffroy-Donders, G. Allaire, G. Michailidis and O. Pantz
Coupled optimization of macroscopic structures and lattice infill
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2020
N. Vermaak, G. Michailidis, A. Faure, G. Parry, R. Estevez, F. Jouve, G. Allaire and Y. Bréchet
Topology Optimization with Interfaces
Architectured Materials in Nature and Engineering, Springer, pp. 173-193, 2019
C. Dapogny, R. Estevez, A. Faure, G. Michailidis
Shape and topology optimization considering anisotropic features induced by additive manufacturing processes
CMAME (Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering), 344, pp. 626-665, 2019
J. Desai, A. Faure, G. Michailidis, G. Parry, R. Estevez
Topology optimization in acoustics and elasto-acoustics via a level-set method
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 420, pp.73-103,2018
G. Allaire, G. Michailidis
Modal basis approaches in shape and topology optimization of frequency response problems
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 113, pp.1258-1299, 2018
G. Allaire, C. Dapogny, R. Estevez, A. Faure, G. Michailidis
Structural optimization under overhang constraints imposed by additive manufacturing technologies
Journal of Computational Physics, 351, pp.295-328, 2017
G. Allaire, C. Dapogny, A. Faure, G. Michailidis
Shape optimization of a layer by layer mechanical constraint for additive manufacturing
Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 355, pp.699-717, 2017
C. Dapogny, A. Faure, G. Michailidis, G. Allaire, A. Couvelas, R. Estevez
Geometric constraints for shape and topology optimization in architectural design
Computational Mechanics, 59, pp.933-965, 2017
A. Faure, G. Michailidis, G. Parry, N. Vermaak, R. Estevez
Design of thermoelastic multi-material structures with graded interfaces using topology optimization
SMO (Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization), 56, pp.823- 837, 2017
G. Allaire, F. Jouve, G. Michailidis
Molding direction constraints in structural optimization via a level-set method
Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering, pp.1-39, 2016
F. Feppon, G. Michailidis, M. A. Sidebottom, G. Allaire, B. A. Krick, N. Vermaak
Introducing a level-set based shape optimization method for the wear of composite materials with geometric constraints
SMO (Structural and Multi-disciplinary Optimization), pp.1-22, 2016
F. Feppon, M. A. Sidebottom, G. Michailidis, B. A. Krick, N. Vermaak
Efficient steady-state computation for wear of multi-material composites
Journal of Tribology, 138, pp.031602, 2016
G. Allaire, F. Jouve, G. Michailidis
Thickness control in structural optimization via a level-set method
SMO (Structural and Multi-disciplinary Optimization), 53, pp.1349-1382, 2016
N. Vermaak, G. Michailidis, G. Parry, R. Estevez, Y. Brechet, and G. Allaire
Material interface effects on the topology optimization of multi-phase thermoelastic structures using a level set method
SMO (Structural and Multi-disciplinary Optimization), 50, pp.623-644, 2014
G. Allaire, C. Dapogny, G. Delgado, G. Michailidis
Multi-phase structural optimization via a level set method
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 20, pp. 576-611, 2014
conference proceedings
G. Allaire, G. Michailidis, N. Spillane
Modal basis approaches in shape and topology optimization of frequency response problems
XXIV ICTAM, Montreal, Canada, 2016
A. Faure, G. Michailidis, R. Estevez, G. Parry, G. Allaire
Design of isotropic microstructures via a two-scale approach
ECCOMAS Congress 2016, Crete, Greece, 2016
T. Abballe, M. Albertelli, G. Allaire, A. Caron, P. Conraux, L. Dall'Olio, C. Dapogny, C. Dobrzynski, B. Jeannin, F. Jouve, D. Lachouette, T. Le Sommer, K. Maquin, G. Michailidis, M. Siavelis, V. Srithammavanh
RODIN project, Topology Optimization 2.0?
SIA Conference, Montigny-le-Bretonneux, France, 2015
G. Allaire, F. Jouve, G. Michailidis
Structural and multi-functional optimization using multiple phases and a level-set method
SEECCM III, 3rd South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Kos Island, Greece, 2013
G. Allaire, F. Jouve, G. Michailidis
Casting constraints in structural optimization via a level-set method
10th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2013
co-supervisor in undergraduate projects
Optimisation d'une structure et application architecturale
École Polytechnique (X), France, 2016.
G. Douridas
Comparison of Regulatory and Numerical Methods for the Energy Evaluation of Complex Geometries
NTUA, Greece, 2015.
I. Chaniotakis
Optimal Railway Alignment
NTUA, Greece, 2015.
K. Anagnostaki
Optimal Structural and Energy Design of Structures
NTUA, Greece, 2015.
S. Margaritis, N. Mpadogiannis
Topology Optimization of Civil Engineering Structures
NTUA, Greece, 2015.

Conference Talks
Yokohama, Japan (Virtual Conference)
Montreal, Canada
Kos, Greece
ECCOMAS Congress
Crete, Greece
PICOF 2014
Hammamet, Tunisia
EngOpt 2014
Lisbon, Portugal
Kos, Greece
SMAI 2013
Seignosse, France
EngOpt 2012
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Orlando, Florida
PICOF 2012
Palaiseau, France
ESMC 2012
Graz, Austria
MMMM 2011
Micromechanics and modeling of multifunctional materials)
Thessaloniki, Greece
​RICAM Institute
Special Semester on New Trends in Calculus of Variations, Linz, Austria
(invited seminar by Prof. E. Oudet, 16/10/2014)
​McGill University
Department of Mechanical ENgineering, Montreal, Canada
(invited seminar by Prof. D. Pasini, 03/10/2014)
University of Toronto
UTIAS, Toronto, Canada
(invited seminar by Prof. C. Steeves, 30/09/2014)
LEHIGH University
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Bethlehem, USA
(invited seminar by N. Vermaak, 26/09/2014)
University of Erlangen-Nürenberg
Department of Mathematics, Erlangen, Germany
(invited seminar by Prof. Dr. G. Leugering, 18/06/2014)
College de France
”Filling Gaps in Materials Space: Methods and Applications”, Paris, France
(invited seminar by Yves Bréchet, ”Chaire d’Innovation technologique 2012-2013”, 14-15/10/2013)
College de France
”Cours Architectures hierarchisées : les leçons du vivant”, Paris, France
(invited seminar by Yves Bréchet, ”Chaire d’Innovation technologique 2012-2013”, 15/03/2013)